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Annual Cybersecurity Training: It’s the Law

By January 29, 2019October 1st, 2024No Comments

♦Mark Your Calendar for Cybersecurity Training Changes♦

Notable changes to Cybersecurity training requirements go into effect April 1. The changes are spelled out in the National Futures Association’s recently released Notice to Members I-19-0, which amends the Interpretive Notice Regarding Information Systems Security Programs – Cybersecurity.

The Interpretive Notice currently requires Members to provide training to employees upon hiring and periodically during their employment. The amendments require training of employees upon hiring, at least annually thereafter, and more frequently if circumstances warrant (such as in the event of an attempted or successful cyber attack).

In addition, the amendments require that Members identify the specific topical areas covered in the Member’s training program, which is part of the firm’s Information Systems Security Program.

We’re here to help you meet these requirements. Our Cybersecurity training course is updated every year, and the course outline can be used identify relevant topical areas within your firm’s ISSP as required.