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Has Your Firm Fulfilled Its Cybersecurity Requirements?

By July 7, 2016October 1st, 2024No Comments


♦Cybersecurity Requirements Are Here to Stay♦

Since we launched our Information Systems Security (Cybersecurity) course just over four months ago, more than 3,000 people have completed the training. There is widespread recognition that NFA’s cybersecurity regulations may be the most important ruleset to come down the pike since AML was introduced 15 years ago.

Fulfilling the employee training requirement that went into effect March 1 is a top priority. Since a review of each firm’s Information Systems Security Programs (ISSP) is required to be performed at least every twelve months, we strongly recommend that training be performed immediately and every twelve months thereafter.

Our Cybersecurity training course is available 24/7 and takes approximately 50 minutes to complete. It’s designed to satisfy your regulatory training requirement while helping protect you, your customers and your firm. Records of course completion are furnished to you and your firm and are available on-demand whenever needed.

Development of your firm’s ISSP is equally important but potentially more problematic. A thorough ISSP can require multiple individual policies for encryption, password protection, server security, remote access, web application, wireless communications and email.

If you need help in developing your ISSP, you’re not alone. We’ve scoped out the landscape of consultants and have found that a small shop, a larger IB and an FCM may all need different levels of support. For a referral to an appropriate group of consultants based you your firm’s needs, click here.