♦It’s Just Cheaper on the Front End♦
In a new video, former Federal Prosecutor Renato Mariotti cuts to the chase on compliance training: “It’s just cheaper on the front end to make sure that your employees are following the rules, rather than have to hire people like me on the back end to represent them and deal with an enforcement matter.” Click here to view the video now.
Right on down the line (Ethics, Cybersecurity, AML, Identity Theft, Customer Protection Rule, Market Conduct, Noncompetitive Trading), a seemingly endless parade of regulatory fines and settlements underscores Mariotti’s comment. That’s why Exchange Analytics courses are written by experts and updated regularly to highlight the latest rules, regs and interpretations. This video looks at our courses from various perspectives and devliers a complelling message: Best-in-class compliance training is vitally important to every firm and every employee.