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Avoid violations, mitigate consequences

By October 19, 2018October 7th, 2021No Comments


♦It’s a Wash♦

Earlier this month, TRC World Group agreed to pay a $30,000 settlement for wash trade violations. In its findings, the Chicago Board of Trade Business Conduct Committee noted that in addition to the trade infractions, “…TRC failed to provide compliance training to its employees to ensure their conduct was consistent with Exchange Rules.”

The message is clear: Training your staff on market conduct rules can 1) help you avoid violations, and 2) potentially mitigate the consequences in the event you face an enforcement action.

Does your staff know the four elements regulators must prove to classify a trade as a wash sale? Or the common motivations for wash trading? Or the impact of Self Match Prevention functionality to reduce wash sales? Our Market Conduct course covers those issues and dozens of others to keep your staff out of regulatory crosshairs.